Circus Week with Year 8s at Swifts Creek P12 School 2017
Joined by Luth Wolff from Solid State Circus, we begin with an introduction to all the skills we are going to be learning and cocreating with during the week. They are picking skills up pretty fast, and are surprisingly aware of their bodies for their age group. After warm up games and chatting about the storyline we will weave, we delve into tumbling, acrobalance, sliding table, hoops, staff, poi and movement.
Excitement – 95%, Skill – 15%
Today we begin creating patterns for each of the skills, so everyone has a basic choreography to come back to. Some pick it up straight away, but many find it confusing to work with the music, moving to a beat and counting out spins on staff and poi. Still have 2 days til showtime though!
Excitement – 80%, Skill – 30%, Confusion – 15%
Now it is time to work the pieces into a story line so we have a full performance. Somehow I have managed to create two entirely different beginnings for the staff piece. Students are confused but patient. Co-ordinator is worried. I have faith.
Excitement – 60%, Skill – 50%, Confusion – 50%
We only have the morning sessions to fine tune and rehearse, as the afternoon is full of facepaint, sorting costumes and setting up the performance space. A show is emerging. The students are knackered. I ditch the last classroom rehearsal in favour of 20 minutes of yoga nidra (relaxation) By the end nearly all the kids are asleep. I let them sleep into lunch, they’re gonna need their energy!
Excitement – 50%, Skill – 60%, Confusion – 60%, Panic – 20%
Creative development of The Toy Box
Thursday evening:
Parents and community members arrive for the performance. Staff have all pitched in helping with bits of production and logistics. It feels good to have so much support, especially from the Co-ordinator.
We are all set. Students are painted and costumed, stage is set, bums are on seats, time to announce.
I’m watching as if in a dream from the sound deck. They are nailing it. The start is a little wobbly, but by the time they get to the staff routine they are all in sync. I’m getting chills. I’m actually trying not to cry. I am so freikin proud of what they have managed to achieve in only 4 days.
They finish, they bow, the audience errupts. I don’t think i’ve felt this good in a long time. The Co-ordinator is crying. The Principal is ecstatic and already planning next year. The staff, students and parents are all jubilant and so thrilled.
Excitement – 95%, Skill – 80%, Confusion – 20%, Panic – 0%, Exhuberance – 100%
We have time for one last run through before setting up for the lunch time show. This is for the students over the road at the primary school. Some of them I taught earlier this year in Performing Arts.
The kids nail it again. I couldn’t be more proud. After a late lunch we play the video of the performance for them. The best bit was seeing the kids cheering for each other when they did super cool somersaults and dive rolls. The comraderie among them was just wonderful.
Excitement – 100%, Skill – 90%, Confusion – 0%, Panic – 0%, Exhuberance – 100%, Pride 100%
Yes, this is what I love doing, helping these amazing young people bring out their best and absolutely shine – and do it together. I can’t wait to get back for the next amazing Circus Week at this school, and more, in the coming years.
Images from the circus show The Toy Box

Video of full circus show – The Toy Box
Students’ reflections on the week
Assistant Principal Barbara Napthene
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