How could it work?

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We have so much wealth between us. Money is only one type of capital, and seen in the diagram below. In a resource based economy we see that there is an abundance of skills, tools, materials, networks, all the things we need to generate what we need.

So instead of looking at struggling to find money to pay for all the products and services, we look at bringing the providers in as collaborators in a circle.

This means they all have a voice in how the project runs, that it benefits everyone, that they all take a risk in investing their time energy and resources, and equally that they benefit much more from its success than they would if they were employed or contracted.

Please see a video from Tjoni about Collaborative Business Management and how it can offer freedom of creation in a cash restricted environment.

Collaborative Project Management blueprint

John Croft from Dragon Dreaming has been working on this grass roots system of project managament for over 30 years. He has a very clear vision and road map of the entire project life, momentums, road blocks, and path ways to keep everyone inspired and focused.

Here is a video of John talking about Dragon Dreaming.

I will be adding some examples here in the coming months to create more of an idea of how this can work, so to stay updated please email tjonij (@) to stay in the loop!