COMMON LAW Archives - In-Spiral INTENTIONAL BUSINESS COLLECTIVE Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:45:31 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 COMMON LAW Archives - In-Spiral 32 32 234993657 THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION Sat, 31 Jul 2021 02:14:30 +0000 This is a great video to watch if you want to understand how modern western governments function and the way in which the power of the people has been undermined over the last eight hundred odd years.

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Re-Exposing its Secrets

Trial by Jury – the basis of our original (British) legal system

Dr. William Keyte: Keynote address at a  Democrats and Veterans Party Conference on 28th September 2018

This is a great video to watch if you want to understand how modern western governments function and the way in which the power of the people has been undermined over the last eight hundred odd years. It also gives clues as to the way we may be able to reinstate democracy in the face of increasing authoritarian rule. The phrase “trial by jury” is fundamental to this whole discussion.

The question posed at the beginning of this address is “Do we live in a democracy?” The premise is that the British legal system bears almost no resemblance to the constitution which is, and was intended to be, the Magna Carta of June 15th 1215 a.d. and which is based on democratic principles created through the principles of natural (“God” given)  law.

He defines the term democracy as “demos” meaning the people and “kratos” meaning  to rule, which is derived from the Hellenic Athenian constitution. It means government of trial by jury and maintains sovereignty of the individual citizen-juror as the final arbiter of law.

The gradual undermining of the Magna Carta has resulted in a complete inversion of the original document which places God (natural law) as the most powerful entity followed by the translation of God’s law into man’s law (common law) under which all members of society are equal. These juries were convened by judges whose only role was to coordinate the proceedings. Politicians and public servants are directly answerable to their fellow members of society and the laws created under their jurisdiction

In our modern world God has been relegated to the least powerful entity and the public service (now replaced by large corporations) are in the most powerful position followed by politicians who have enormous control which is rarely a reflection of the will of the people.

I highly recommend this one!

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NATURAL AND COMMON LAW Wed, 27 Jan 2021 05:19:15 +0000 The LEGAL system is BASED on LAW but is NOT real LAW. It refers to ADMIRALTY LAW - The law of commerce, the law of the sea. It refers to the DEAD. A corporation (corpse) is a dead entity.

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I have recently started learning about Common Law versus the Legal System, and why it is imperative that we understand the difference. As more resources come into my hot little hands I will share them here.

But first, here is a summary a few key points.

The LAW (Land, Air, Water) refers to real Law. Common Law. International Law. The LAW of the LAND. It refers to the LIVING. (Men and Women of the land)

The LAW states what you CANNOT do (basically harm another man or woman or their property). Anything outside of that is permissible.

The LEGAL system is BASED on LAW but is NOT real LAW. It refers to ADMIRALTY LAW – The law of commerce, the law of the sea. It refers to the DEAD. A corporation (corpse) is a dead entity.

The LEGAL system states what you CAN do. Anything to do with mandates, acts, licenses, registrations, legislations etc are part of the Legal system. Anything outside of that is illegal, which means the grasp of control is extremely tight. This is like taking away your basic human rights and selling them back to you for a fee. But this is NOT LAW.

The Bible states the LIVING cannot talk to the DEAD. Therefore the governments create a fictionalised version of you – a dead version – which is the Corporation that you assume the role of as named on your Birth (Berth – a ship) Certificate. Hence the dead version of you can talk to the dead corporations (police, governments, banks etc) and thus they also have authority over you IF YOU GIVE IT TO THEM.

The dead entity on your Birth Certificate is called a Strawman – it has no brain, it has no heart, it is dead. You could imagine it as a mask, a persona (Person) that is used to exchange with corporations. There are ways you can reclaim your Strawman, and use it to YOUR advantage.

While the world of Common and Natural Law is HUGE, understanding the Strawman is an excellent place to start. ‘Know Thyself’ is the first step towards reclaiming your freedom. So much of the focus here is on this topic.

I began my journey into Common Law about 18 months ago, and I have barely scratched the surface of the flea on the rear end of the horse so to speak!!! A lot of the terminology is foreign and can feel disjointed for a while, but gradually it starts to make sense. Good people in my world are compiling information into an easy to digest format, but in the meantime here are some great bits and pieces to begin with.


Cal Washington

Tom Barnett

Tom Barnett on the Fundamentals of Law. I find Tom really easy to understand. He gives a lot of examples of situations you may find yourself in. A good place to start in my opinion, if you don’t really know much about Law yet. (That’s me!!)

Bill Turner

Bill is from New Zealand. I find him quite easy to understand, though be aware that law can differ in each country. So if some details are different to what people in your country are saying, then go with your local common law enthusiasts.

Learning Contract

Sean Maguire Interviews Ken Cousens – v.1 – Jan 1, 2020

Sean Maguire interviews Ken Cousens – V.1 – Jan 1, 2020

Beyond the Strawman avoids Selling our Soul

Do we have a Soul, or Are we a Soul? Beyond the Strawman (the corporatised artificial person created from a Birth/Berth Certificate) provides means to avoid Selling our Soul. That could be Important!

Servant King – Overview

Marcus gives a detailed overview of website. Consider subscribing as a Servant King Member. It could change your life !

Private Express Trusts Under The Common Law, with Commentary – part 1

This is a reading of the First few chapters of Weiss’ Concise Trustee Handbook, for the administration of a private express trust under the common law, functioning under the General Law Merchant. With Commentary by Greg Ward of the Common Law Right Society.

Sovereign World Citizen Passport

Obama also got one of these passports

Sovereign World Citizen Passport

The Strawman Illusion 1 of 10

101,569 views • Jun 17, 2009

J. Anderson discusses the ‘Strawman’ that is perceived to exist from the standing of the real man in Common Law. If you are entering into their jurisdiction by submission or under-standing, then you give up any rights and claims unless specifically reserved. If you have submitted or under-stood (stood under) their jurisdiction then you have no standing to argue about the existence of the ‘Strawman’ as you are under the rules of their game. You cannot enter their game and then argue about their rules once you have already submitted and under-stood them.

Private Express Trusts Under The Common Law, with Commentary – part 1

This is a reading of the First few chapters of Weiss’ Concise Trustee Handbook, for the administration of a private express trust under the common law, functioning under the General Law Merchant. With Commentary by Greg Ward of the Common Law Right Society.

Solutions in Common Law

Overview of powerful techniques to deal with debts, civil, and even criminal matter using simple common law concepts.

2017 UPDATE – We have updated these processes, so some of this content is no longer being used in our studies. We are not focused on finding the defects in the contract or other party action who are exceeding their authority. Due process is still a common law requirement, but this concept attacks the issue head on. Even in their statutory world.


Sovereign Law Series

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) advancing human rights. It features Ignita Veritas University (IV University) – among only 5 universities in the world with diplomatic status, Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) – an international law firm of Barristers as the university law center, and Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) – operated by the independent Judiciary profession.

“Sovereign Law Series – Keys to International Law” – Introduction & Index” (With Document Links), primary sources of international law, provided by the inter-governmental (IGO) Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ)

Constitutional Charter of the inter-governmental organization (IGO) Ignita Veritas United (IVU), as a union of Member States in diplomatic relations, as a sovereign subject of international law.

Maritime Admiralty Law: How They Got You

All men and women of the world have been severely misinformed and misled by a group of BANKer and MERchant criminal terrorists. Is it a cohencidence that these criminal CORPORATE SHARKS just happen to be jews who have taught us that we live by the Law of the Land in their schools and juniversities, but have pulled the wool over our eyes tricking us into being subject to MARitime ADMIRALty Law? I don’t believe in cohencidences. They in fact deceive us by not telling us the law we CURRENTly live by is actually the Law of the SEA and not Natural Law of the Land. Because of these jews you have in fact been born into slavery and are property of a CORPORATE jew slave master whether you know it or not.

Reclaim your Trust from the UN

In 1948 we all boarded the CITIZENSHIP by way of the NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ACT of 1948 which meant that the UNITED NATIONS became the your TRUSTEE!

If you are a CITIZEN you are under the JURISDICTION of MARITIME LAW which is the LAW of CONTRACTS. You do have the POWER to CHOOSE.



Practical Lawful Ascension

For over a hundred years Australia has been deceived by a defacto foreign administration government. 26th January, the day that we call ‘Australia Day’ is in actual fact the day that we became an occupied territory. The history that we have been taught is not Australia’s true history. All this information is readily available on Government Websites such as the Australian Treaty Series that clearly shows the depth of the deception.

PRACTICAL LAWFUL ASCENSION is an online course designed to bring Australian Citizens and residents up to speed very quickly so that we can all catch up and be on the same page and unite as a nation, not become part of the United Nations.

The Common Law

BOOK: “The Common Law” by O.W. Holmes, Jr


‘Gemstone University’

“The GEMSTONE University is an integral component of the PanTerra D’Oro Mutual Benefit Society established to provide education, tools and resources for the members of the Society to achieve true freedom in all aspects of their lives.   The first step on this path to freedom is removing the presumptions that attach us to debt and liabilities, bankruptcy and enslavement.  In order to achieve this, one must remove these presumptions and remove presumed consent, as well as step into a jurisdiction that provides safe harbor and safe haven.  It is the Mission and Intent of GEMSTONE University to integrate and present a comprehensive understanding of How It All Fits Together, all the elements that create our world: history, law, money, jurisdiction, and many more subjects, in an accessible and understandable system of courses, written materials and audio/video presentations. “

Servant King

What would you think if I told you there are TWO OF YOU ! One you ARE and the other you APPEAR AS. You would say that is impossible, and you would be right. You were born with a good brain, but it has been deliberately messed up and for a specific purpose. The illusion you have lived your whole life is so normal, no one can see it.

So, I am going to share, teach and deliver to you 3 distinct presentations. The first presentation will CONFUSE you. The second presentation will hopefully TRANSFORM you, and the third presentation will certainly ENLIGHTEN you. You will have a difficult time trying to grasp the things presented; not due to your lack of intelligence but because of your training. You see, the law requires that everyone receive a government approved education. This means that we all know the same things. Ask anyone a question and you will get the same answer. But what are the things that were not approved, and why were they not approved?”

Solutions Empowerment

If You Are Affected By Covid19 Restrictions, Credit Card Debts, Lockdowns, Police Harassment Or Anything Else, This Little 3½ Minute Video Could Change That FOREVER!

The post NATURAL AND COMMON LAW appeared first on In-Spiral.
